Panache Desai is a renowned spiritual leader, thought leader, and business and life catalyst. His gift of energetic transformation and compassionate presence has helped countless individuals and organizations across the world.
New York Times Bestselling Author and Harvard MBA, Stephen MR Covey joins us on Awakened Nation to share powerful insights that are shaping today's relationship between the C-Suite and front line employees.
Matt Busch has become an internationally know Star Wars Artist who is still blown away that fans get tattoos of his work on their bodies. If you are a Star Wars fan, you are gonna LOVE this episode. And yes, he has worked directly with George Lucas. "He seems to like my work."
Dan Millman, the Peaceful Warrior himself, sits down with Brad and shares the journey that led him from international champion to becoming a Peaceful Warrior, and 18 books later to his latest work, Peaceful Heart, Warrior Spirit.
Dr. Ivan Misner is the godfather of networking and he is here to tell you that you are doing it wrong. Learn how to use the principles of visibility, credibility, and profitability to learn how to make your network work for you.
NY Times Bestselling author Panache Desai joins us on Awakened Nation to talk about the way he has learned to find his peace in life and how grace extended beyond any religion to help your soul find it's truth.