Breakout star of the movie The Secret, Dr. Joe Vitale shares his story of being homeless, and hopeless...yet discovering gratitude with a simple pencil. If you enjoyed The Secret, along with Dr. Joe Vitale's work, this is the episode for you.
Panache Desai is a renowned spiritual leader, thought leader, and business and life catalyst. His gift of energetic transformation and compassionate presence has helped countless individuals and organizations across the world.
Jennie Byers takes us on her journey from a "visitor" in childhood, who assisted in activating her spiritual gifts of intuition and the ability to talk to the dead...her brother and sister having the same gifts, and finally, working with her mother, Kitti, after she passed away.
Michelle Sorro joins us to share her spiritual awakening, her Ayahuasca journey and the profound healing that came from grandmother medicine, then creating her number one ranked podcast Fire and Soul.
Duane Chapman also known as Dog The Bounty Hunter and his wife Francie Chapman sit down with Brad Szollose to talk about his rough and tumble life, the spiritual side of faith and how it seemed to be divine intervention that brought them together.
Dan Millman, the Peaceful Warrior himself, sits down with Brad and shares the journey that led him from international champion to becoming a Peaceful Warrior, and 18 books later to his latest work, Peaceful Heart, Warrior Spirit.
Do you really know what is going on? From False Light to our Reptillian DNA, Sacha Stone takes you on a quest through what he perceives as the realities and false dichotomies of this age.
NY Times Bestselling author Panache Desai joins us on Awakened Nation to talk about the way he has learned to find his peace in life and how grace extended beyond any religion to help your soul find it's truth.
What if you awakened to one day and could see the Matrix right in front of your eyes? That's exactly what happened to Geraldine Orozco. Listen in as she describes our 5D Universe, being a part of 4 Alien-Hybrid programs, and supporting other mothers who have been a part of this program.
Dave Sanderson was the last person off US Airways Flight 1549, or “The Miracle on the Hudson” when Captain "Sully" Sullenberger ditched the aircraft into the Hudson River on January 15, 2009.