Going Back to Our Natural State of Being and Finding Peace from Within with Panache Desai
The pandemic has compelled us to look within ourselves and reevaluate what is more important to us. A lot of us now want to rediscover and reconnect with our true selves. This journey might sound like a Herculean task, and you might not know where exactly to begin. Today, you’ll be surprised to discover that you already have everything you need to go back to who you are and start finding peace from within you.
In this episode, renowned spiritual leader Panache Desai talks about rediscovering our naturally peaceful selves. He shares how we can access a perpetual state of peace even amidst trauma and bad experiences. We also discuss the truth behind life’s difficulties, anger, and love. Reconnecting with the self is just a matter of redirecting your attention and accepting yourself completely.
If you want to know more about finding peace from within and going back to your natural state of being, then this episode is for you!
Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:
- Discover how you can begin finding peace from within yourself.
- Learn how to access meditative states in everyday experiences.
- Find out Panache’s mind-blowing ideas on life’s hardships, anger, and love!
- Visit Panache Desai’s website.
- Register now for Panache’s FREE Daily Meditation to return to your natural state of being and start finding peace from within yourself!
- Get Panache’s book You Are Enough.
- Dave Asprey Box
- Show Episode 76: Renowned Spiritual Leader Panache Desai Insists that YOU ARE ENOUGH
- Panache’s favorite book series—Harry Potter
Episode Highlights
Being in the Middle of a Great Awakening
- The pandemic has forced people to shut down everything and look inward.
- We’re at a point where we’re starting to realize that we’re more than units of production and consumption.
- This great awakening is a journey out of conformity into our authenticity.
- When we make that shift, we can get out of survival and start to excel in life.
Panache’s Beginnings
- In the first five years of his life, Panache was raised by his grandmother in a meditation center.
- It was then that his life was absorbed in presence and meditation. However, he got disconnected from these when they moved from India to London.
- Panache lost the feeling of safety when they moved. He realized that no development happens in its absence.
- When we believe that we’re not enough, we suffer and make choices that aren’t reflective of our hearts.
- In his final semester of studying law and business, Panache decided to go to the US to restore his sense of safety and continue his development.
Reconnecting with the Self
- Panache’s journey to America allowed him to find the truth of who he is.
- He found it cathartic to do simple acts of selfless service in the ashram.
- However, he realized that you go to the ashram to recalibrate and reset, but not to transform.
- After coming back to London, everything felt foreign to him. That’s why he decided to move to New York to pursue his destiny.
What is Grace, and Where Does it Come From?
- Everything that we’re trying to attain is already inside us as potential.
- Grace becomes available to us when we become vulnerable to the truth of who we are.
- The journey of awakening or transformation is returning everything to love.
What is samadhi?
- Samadhi is a constant state of absorption in peace.
- Our natural state of being is peace. Samadhi is finding peace from within and returning to who we naturally are.
- The more we accept and embrace everything that’s arising and subsiding, the more we uncover the samadhi inside us.
Finding Peace from Within After Trauma
- Everything in life is an opportunity to start finding peace from within yourself.
- We must stop resisting our experiences so that we can stop resisting life.
- Panache believes that Eastern philosophies have become watered down because they’ve been interpreted through the lens of the mind.
- Harmony and balance can only be restored at the level of the heart, not the mind.
Living in Heart Coherence
- The heart is the most intelligent organ in the body.
- One of the most powerful ways to live in heart coherence is to rest in the awareness of the breath.
- In doing so, you’ll begin living more from love and finding peace from within yourself.
Transforming Defense Mechanisms
- The more we look in the mirror, the more we embrace what there is to see and the less we have to adapt.
- By bringing awareness to habitual patterns and behaviors, we realize that we can transform them.
- When we embrace all aspects of ourselves, we can return to who we naturally are.
- Then, our actions become authentic rather than just defense mechanisms.
How to Start a Meditative Lifestyle
- Panache believes that we’re living in an age of dynamic meditation.
- We can access meditative states while performing daily activities from a place of centeredness and connection.
- Simply accepting every experience is finding peace from within.
- Embrace who you are, and don’t fight against your design.
About Spiritual Bypassing
- Others are not able to sustain their spirituality because they fluctuate back and forth between loving and hating themselves.
- Humanity is the doorway to divinity. The more we could be with humanity, the more the spirit emerges inside of us.
- Cultivate a loving, inclusive relationship with your life — no part of you is a mistake or broken.
- We don’t need to apologize for any aspect of who we are. Our uniqueness is our superpower.
God is You
- The divine is an infinite ocean of love. If God is anything at all, it is a loving presence.
- We do not engage in spiritual practice to become God. We do it to remember that we are God.
- If God is infinite, then everybody’s version of God is the right one. Believe whatever you want to believe in.
Dealing with Life’s Difficulties
- Everything that happens in your life is a manifestation of who you are.
- If there’s any struggle in your life, it’s because you’re not fully being who you are.
- The things you need will come to you when you no longer feel like you need to prove yourself.
How to Handle Anger
- We have been conditioned to believe that anger is bad, so we repress it until we inevitably explode.
- To handle anger, accept the fact that you have it and let it flow.
- The more we embrace our anger, the more it transforms into a more conscious manifestation of passion.
- When you feel angry, become aware of your breath and realize that what you’re feeling is just temporary.
- If you act on your anger and lash out, don’t beat yourself up.
All About Love
- We’ve been conditioned to believe that we are not enough. We turn ourselves inside out for other people because we don’t feel like we’re enough.
- Because we feel unworthy, we project our love onto other people and hope that we receive it back.
- Love is not something that we try to get because it is already in us. We are the source of love.
- When we reach into the love inside us, relationships become a choice rather than a necessity.
Lightning Round with Panache
- Panache loves the Harry Potter series because he resonates so much with Harry. He also aspires to meet JK Rowling someday.
- Panache loves everything that most people don’t love about life—heartbreaks, pain, abuse, trauma, and hatred.
- The more he embraced these, the more he uncovered the love that he is.
- Panache’s favorite memory is his grandmother. Listen to the full episode to hear more about her legacy.
5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode
“We’re at a point where we’re realizing that we’re more than units of production and consumption, that we’re more than our jobs, we’re more than our titles, and that we really do have the capacity to redefine what it means to be human.”
“When we begin to pivot away from being enough to not being enough, we start to suffer and we start to make choices and decisions that aren’t reflective of our hearts. We start to live up to other people’s expectations.”
“You’re already enlightened, you know, you don’t need healing, you don’t need fixing, you’re not broken. This is just a journey of uncovering what’s really present inside of you.”
“Humanity is the doorway into our divinity, that the more we can be with our humanity, the more the spirit, the more the soul just emerges from inside of us.”
“If there’s any struggle anywhere in life, it’s because you are not fully being who you are because you’re afraid.”
About Panache
Panache Desai is a renowned spiritual leader, thought leader, and business and life catalyst. His gift of energetic transformation and compassionate presence has helped countless individuals and organizations across the world. Panache empowers people to break free from suffering and to live a truly limitless life.
Panache has been interviewed by Oprah Winfrey in the Super Soul Sunday show. He has also worked with Neale Donald Walsch, Dr. Brian Weiss, and James Redfield. He is the bestselling author of two books, You Are Enough and Discovering Your Soul Signature. These books have helped readers around the world start finding peace from within.
If you want to know more about Panache and his work, you may visit his website or follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram.
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To an awakened nation,